4.1. sqlitebiter command helpΒΆ

sqlitebiter has the following subcommands:

Usage: sqlitebiter [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  -o, --output-path PATH          Output path of the SQLite database file.
                                  [default: out.sqlite]
  -a, --append                    Append table(s) to existing database.
  --add-primary-key PRIMARY_KEY_NAME
                                  Add 'PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT' column to a
                                  converted table with the specified name.
  --convert-config TEXT           [experimental] Configurations for data
                                  conversion. The option can be used only for
                                  url subcommand.
  -i, --index INDEX_ATTR          Comma separated attribute names to create
  --no-type-inference             All of the columns assume as TEXT data type
                                  in creating tables.
  --type-hint-header              Use header suffixes as type hints. If there
                                  are type hints, convert columns by datatype
                                  corresponding with type hints. The following
                                  suffixes can be recognized as type hints
                                  (case insensitive): "text": TEXT datatype.
                                  "integer": INTEGER datatype. "real": REAL
  --matrix-formatting [header_aligned|trim]
                                  header_aligned: fitting table data to header
                                  columns. trim: fitting table data to minimum
                                  column size.  [default: header_aligned]
  --replace-symbol TEXT           Replace symbols in attributes.
  -v, --verbose                   Verbosity level.  [default: 0]
  --max-workers WORKERS           Specify the maximum number of workers that
                                  the command may use.  [default: 1]
  --debug                         For debug print.
  -q, --quiet                     Suppress execution log messages.
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

  completion  A helper command to setup command completion.
  configure   Configure the following application settings:
  file        Convert tabular data within CSV/Excel/HTML/JSON/Jupyter...
  gs          Convert a spreadsheet in Google Sheets to a SQLite database...
  stdin       Convert tabular data within CSV/HTML/JSON/Jupyter...
  url         Scrape tabular data from a URL and convert data to a SQLite...
  version     Show version information