4.4. Create a SQLite database from stdin

sqlitebiter stdin is a subcommand to convert tabular data text from stdin to a SQLite database file.

4.4.1. Examples

A data format is a mandatory argument for sqlitebiter stdin subcommand:

$ echo '[{"hoge": 4, "foo": "abc"}, {"hoge": 12, "foo": "xyz"}]' | sqlitebiter stdin json
[INFO] convert 'stdin' to 'json1' table
[INFO] converted results: source=1, success=1, created-table=1
[INFO] database path: out.sqlite

4.4.2. sqlitebiter stdin subcommand help

Usage: sqlitebiter stdin [OPTIONS] {csv|html|json|json_lines|jsonl|ldjson|ltsv

  Convert tabular data within CSV/HTML/JSON/Jupyter
  Notebook/LDJSON/LTSV/Markdown/Mediawiki/SSV/TSV text to a SQLite database

  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

  Documentation: https://sqlitebiter.rtfd.io/ Issue tracker: